Get Better Memory and Better GRADES with...

The MasterMind Power Learning System
The POWER Learning System TM


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Still not convinced that MasterMind will be one of the best learning tools you will ever buy? Just take a look at what some of our satisfied customers had to say...Once you order and try it, you may see your story here!


I got my own software today and I love it! It took my 10 year old son only 2 minutes to learn numerous states and capitals that he did NOT know before and he had a ball doing it! Now, however, we are fighting each other for computer time! Perhaps we can all come up with a new software to solve THAT problem next!! lol


The Magic Learning package arrived today.... It is the best money I have ever spent. I learned 60 elements of the periodic table in 20 min ... unbelievable! 

P B - Brisbane, Australia


I love it! When I first got it, I was showing my wife the software and how it worked. We fooled around with the US Capitals lesson, and before we knew it, we both learned 5 state capitals in about 4 minutes. My kids love it, they actually ask to use it, this is the first and only educational software that they asked to use, and we've bought many different ones.

Well, that's my experiences so far!

Drew :-)

The most incredible learning system available today! 

D B - Alabama


I wanted you to know that I am a teacher of 20 years in lower elementary. I have tutored students and tried to help them find software programs that would enhance their learning. MM (MasterMind) is by far the best program that I have seen. I showed it to another teacher who tutors middle and high school students and she said "this is great!"



I just have to tell everyone what happened. I was amazed! My 6 year- old daughter has been desperately wanting to learn to read. We have been reading books, but she just wasn't getting it. So, I programmed Master Mind with 20 new words for her to learn. She learned the words in 15 minutes flat! And then hollered until I programmed more in for her! She absolutely LOVES it. 

A D - Pennsylvania


Thanks MasterMind for this Powerful learning tool! My daughter is using it to get a headstart on Algebra, so she will be ready for school when it starts up! :-) My daughter has Never been this interrested in learning. She Loves MasterMind! I Do Too!!:-)



My daughter is 12 and has been using Master Mind for 2 months 20 minutes a day. Her math grade went from an F to a C in 3 weeks! Geography went from a D to a B!! :-) I don't know who was more excited... me or her!! She said, "Mom, I didn't even realize I was learning anything -- till it just started happening! This is a fun way to learn. Now I'm learning the History so I can remember names, places, and dates better. Mom this is like magic!!" I am using it too, and it helps me remember better. You don't realize you're even learning. My daughter was right. It is like magic! Thank you MLS for this super product. Everyone should own it!! :-) 

C R - Arkansas

This next email from C R was even more exciting:
"Since my last email, my daughter is bringing home A's in Math now!!! :-) I can't get over how powerful Master Mind is!!" Next chapter: Getting ready for Back To School ... ... [this summer] my daughter is using it to get a head start on Algebra, so she will be ready for school when it starts up! :-) [She] has never been this interested in learning. She Loves Master Mind! I Do Too!!:-)


It's fun to use, like a trivia, easy, and effective. People are more likely to learn in an environment that's our favorite teacher. 

J M - New York


 ... my son 10 years old was using MasterMind the last 2 marking periods for school. Have not seen the final report card but last marking period he upped a grade in a lot. We were just at an assembly yesterday and he received the President's Education Award for Outstanding Academic Achievement! I know his grades went up now! [I'm] also programming it for my kindergartner to learn to read over the summer. 

D K - Pennsylvania

... the most effective way to secure our future and the futures of our children. MPLS is THE (in my opinion) most effective learning tool available. 

D C - Oklahoma






There you have it! Master Mind is an AWESOME educational program! You and your entire family can begin reaping the benefits of using this system just as others have. Don't delay. Get on the road to improving your memory and your grades, today!

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