Get Better Memory and Better GRADES with...

The MasterMind Power Learning System
The POWER Learning System TM


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Not making the grades you need or want?  

...Need to memorize a speech or presentation in a hurry?  Well say goodbye to mountains of index cards, fields of notebook paper with scribbled facts and late night cramming sessions!

With the MasterMind Power Learning System, you can learn quicker and easier than you've ever learned before and better retain it!

The MasterMind Creator Module will allow you to easily and quickly write your own Personalized Power Learning Sets for virtually any subject whether it be a foreign language, Algebra, or whatever else you can think of that you would like to learn. Plus, you will find yourself learning faster and easier than you've ever imagined!

For about the cost of the hottest video game CD's and less than the cost of name brand athletic shoes, you can give your children a learning tool that will benefit them for years to come!


It's Not Just For the Children!

Master Mind is designed for people of all ages.... Whether it's a preschool-age student or a college-age student. Even adults who aren't students can benefit from Master Mind!

Tired of being in the "doghouse" because you forgot your anniversary again? Studying for an important exam?  Boss on your case because you forgot that important Power Luncheon?  MasterMind can help you with all those things and so much more, so what are you waiting for? Get a copy for your family, today!

Advanced features include the following:

  • timed or untimed drills

  • different "modes" of learning (based on subject content)

  • record keeping for knowns/unknowns on individual question/answer sets

  • multiple students, with separate record keeping for each

  • automatic review -- creates a personalized review schedule for each learning set, reminds you when it's time to review, and intelligently adjusts your review schedule to fit your learning style, subject difficulty, etc.

    . . . plus much, much more.

How can one software program be capable of performing like this?

Click here to find out!





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